Many times through my life, I have become impatient with my brothers and sisters in Christ, frustrated that they could not see what I see, or understand what I understand. Many have been the harsh thoughts and harsh words and judgments toward those, who for whatever reason did not live up to my expectations of them.
I have since come to realize that each of us are right where we are by God's grace, and that the light that one stands in, he stands only because God has brought him to that place, and to that degree of light. Not all are in that place, nor can all endure what light each of us may have.
It is through God's tender love and mercy that He so deals with us. If He were to reveal His full light to a babe in Christ, that very light, good and blessed in itself, would destroy that babe, and so God reveals Himself, His light, in degrees, according to our ability to handle it.
And thus, there are some standing in one place, while others are in quite another place, each being right where God has allowed him to be, for his own sake. And if this be true, then far be it from us to judge another for the amount of light that one has, or does not have.
I have since come to realize that each of us are right where we are by God's grace, and that the light that one stands in, he stands only because God has brought him to that place, and to that degree of light. Not all are in that place, nor can all endure what light each of us may have.
It is through God's tender love and mercy that He so deals with us. If He were to reveal His full light to a babe in Christ, that very light, good and blessed in itself, would destroy that babe, and so God reveals Himself, His light, in degrees, according to our ability to handle it.
And thus, there are some standing in one place, while others are in quite another place, each being right where God has allowed him to be, for his own sake. And if this be true, then far be it from us to judge another for the amount of light that one has, or does not have.
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