Sunday, February 8, 2009

Due Time....

Galatians 6:9 Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.
When is 'due time'?
Studying the life of Abraham will give you a good perspective on 'reaping in due time'.
But, when you plant a garden, you till the soil, fertilize it, and place the seeds in the soil. Then you water it.
Short of keeping the weeds away, that's about all you can do. But, in due time, those seeds spout, and grow, and become mature plants that bear fruit.
Some seeds sprout quickly, others take a while to start until conditions are just right. But inevitably, they will grow, and you will reap what you have sown. (Hopefully you have sown good seed, and not that of thorns and thistles).
The things we plant in this life will eventually grow and mature, and we will reap whatever it is we have sown, whether it be of love and peace, or otherwise.
When we labor in the kingdom, we till and weed, planting the seeds of the Word in people's hearts. Eventually, that will grow and bear fruit. But we must be patient, for sometimes it takes a good while.
Eventually we will see the fruit, and it will bear the seeds of even greater harvests.

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